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Production By PilotStudio
Slide 1, 2 and 3: Peter Pannekoek
Slide 4: Ray Charles
Slide 5: Kane
Slide 6: André Hazes Jr.
Slide 7: De Slimste Mens
Slide 8: Nederlands Elftal (Oranje)
Slide 9: Museum Spijkerman
Slide 10: Vaping
Slide 11: KLM
Slide 12: Hollywood Strikes
Slide 13: Caroline and Sons
Slide 14: Sergio
I've worked on the designs for the LED backgrounds that were used in the RTL-Talkshow HUMBERTO 2023. The content was made using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
All work has been created collaboratively as part of a team during my employment at The Visual Factory.
- Kane: 25/09/2023 -
- André Hazes Jr. and Sergio: 02/10/2023 -
- Vaping and De Slimste Mens: 03/10/2023 -
- KLM: 09/10/2023 -
- Peter Pannekoek: 10/10/2023 -
- Caroline and Sons: 16/10/2023 -
- Nederlands Elftal (Oranje): 17/10/2023 -
- Museum Spijkerman: 24/10/2023 -
- Ray Charles and Hollywood Strikes: 25/10/2023 -
Avond van de Filmmuziek
Production By PilotStudio
Content and Playout by The Visual Factory
Light by Light-H-Art
Slide 1: Avatar Preview for Avond van de Filmmuziek 2023.
Slide 2: Avatar Banner Background for Avond van de Filmmuziek 2023.
I've worked on the background design used in the banner for the Avatar segment at the Avond van de Filmmuziek 2023. The content was made using Adobe Photoshop.
All work has been created collaboratively as part of a team during my employment at The Visual Factory.
©2024 by Damon van de Loenhorst.
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